The Herb Society of Manitoba was formed in 1995 by a group of enthusiastic volunteers interested in educating the public about herbs and promoting the use of herbs in everyday life. In 1996, a Constitution was written, a Mission Statement formulated, and the Society officially began its work.
Our meetings are generally held the 3rd Monday of each month and start at 7:00 p.m. at the Canadian Mennonite University South Campus in Winnipeg, Manitoba. For more information on upcoming speakers, please visit the Programming page.
General Meetings are open to the public, however, there is a $5.00 charge for guests to attend. Individual memberships are $25.00/year (Canadian funds).
The Herb Society of Manitoba is dedicated to promoting knowledge, use and enjoyment of herbs through education, programs, research and sharing the experience of its members with the community.
Born in Acton, Ontario and schooled in the Guelph, Ontario area. I have a BA (honours) from U of Guelph and have been in Finance and sales of Tractors, Consumer Goods, Industrial Chemicals, Plastics Converting retired in Y 2004. Started a novel tea and coffee concept in Winnipeg called Cornelia Bean focused on loose leaf tea and coffee beans to promote healthy beans and leaves.
Developed the BREWT* tea dispenser and designed The Wall * glass tea infuser for better taste and cleaner delivery. Just celebrated 20 years in retail business
Married to Cory and raised three children in the last 38 years to be a part of another generation of tea drinkers.
Know your plants, the future of specialty tea and coffee with special emphasis on native plants in Boreal Forest and the Arctic for better health and a unique taste. Proud to promote Manitoba history of tea and effective ethical and sustainable foraging around our province.
To assist in our ongoing effort to be environmentally friendly, please try to remember to bring your own mug for your herbal tea.